Friday, December 12, 2008

Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast, download

Provides virus protection for Lotus Domino.
The Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino antiviral package will provide virus scanner and protection for Lotus Domino.
Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino includes the following components:Monitor - that scans all incoming and outgoing mail. Scanner - that scans all documents in the nsf databases as set by Administrator. Updater - that updates antivirus databases automatically. Configuration database - that is used to manage the antivirus package. Quarantine store - that is used to keep infected and suspected objects.
Here are some key features of "Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast":· The Avast, Clam AntiVirus, Quick Heal and VirusBuster scanners are used.· Different antivirus scanners can be plugged in.· Lotus Domino R6.0.1 and higher is supported (Notes/Domino server R6, R6.5, R7 or R8).· Lotus Domino partitioned server is supported.· High performance allows it to check up to 18 000 messages per hour.· Infected messages can be cured instead of being deleted.· E-mail messages with multiple recipients are scanned once before delivery. No additional per-recipient scans are performed.· The mail messages monitor can process multiple mail boxes.· Infected or suspicious files are isolated in the quarantine zone, preventing network infection.

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